
Sleep like a baby

Sleep like a baby

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated because you slept so good the night before? If your answer is no, well you’re not alone. 40 million Americans suffer from insomnia or some form of sleeping disorder. Whether you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep I can help you.

The use of acupuncture for the treatment of insomnia is becoming more and more popular because this preferred method has proven to be a very effective alternative for those wishing to avoid the addictive medications prescribed as sleep aides. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and has been around for thousands of years. Chinese medicine acknowledges the body as an integrated functioning entity encompassing the emotions, digestion as well as sleep. This holistic approach allows the practitioner to affect many areas of the body and improve the patient’s overall health; not just one symptom such as insomnia. It finds the root cause of imbalances and clears up any stagnation that may be causing the symptoms seen at the surface.

My goal is to get you sleeping better as soon as possible. A good night’s rest allows the body to regenerate and nourish the blood and tissues allowing the body to utilize energy efficiently in other areas including the digestive system. Many people have multiple symptoms other than insomnia including headaches, depression or irritability. When treating the body as a whole we can address all these symptoms together. Using acupuncture we will move the blood and energy and create a sense of calmness throughout your body. Nourishing the body and balancing your energy creates an avenue for the brain to relax and the mind to fall asleep peacefully.

Acupuncture is sometimes avoided because of the fear of needles. My priority is to help you feel relaxed and comfortable the entire visit. I will walk you through every step of the treatment process. If you experience any discomfort or anxiety I will change my approach to help you feel at ease. I encourage you to call and ask me questions about any fears, doubts or just for curiosity sake. Getting a good night’s rest is very crucial and necessary for your body to function optimally. Improved digestion and increased energy are results of a good night's rest.


Sleep better tonight!


  • Try to get to bed by 10:30pm. Your bodies most beneficial sleep is between 11pm-1am.

  • Stick to a nightly routine (read a book, take a bath, and go to sleep at the same time each night)

  • Many tend to sleep better in a cool, dark and quiet room.

  • Avoid caffeine and sugars 6 hours before bed.

  • Exercise daily. Even if you just go for a walk. The increased blood flow will help you sleep better at night.

  • Avoid bright lights 3 hours before bed. Many of us are guilty of watching TV or checking our phones before bed. Try to limit the amount of bright lights that you expose yourself to especially 1 hour before bed.