My 2018! 💫


Hey friends! 

Wow I haven’t written a blog post in a while. I want to tell you all about my 2018. It was such an exciting year for me. I love sharing about me and hearing all about you. I truly believe when we connect with each other it creates comfort and calmness. When we are comfortable with the people surrounding us this can allow us to be more open with each other. To be straight forward I am asking about your poops and periods, and I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about the crap 💩 (literally 😉 ). 

If you are new to me or my business I want to extend a warm welcome! Howdy! Thank you for reading this! My name is Lorena and Madrid Acupuncture is my baby, my pride and joy, my business. I worked as a massage therapist before I decided to become an acupuncturist. I love my job so so much! If you have never heard of acupuncture let me tell you about that too! Acupuncture can be very intimidating. The unknown always seems to be a little daunting. Acupuncture originated in China more than two thousand years ago. It’s another form of medicine using small teeny tiny little needles (that don’t hurt) to regulate the circulation throughout the body. Acupuncture looks at the body as a whole system therefore I ask about everything!  We look at the imbalance between emotions, digestion, sleep and then of course any physical ailments that may arise. You're always more than welcome to skip over any questions that you don’t want to talk about. I get it. 


Any who, let’s go back to 2018. If you don’t know I love to travel! I finally got my passport in 2018. The first big trip was to Tulum, Mexico to learn Spanish. We visited the mayan ruins, Chichen Itza (Mayan Pyramids), and cenotes (natural caves).  I was immersed in Spanish for a week and I loved every minute. I have many patients that speak Spanish and my goal is to continue to learn mas y mas! Every year I visit my friend Rachael in Alaska and go salmon fishing. I love fishing in Colorado but after catching my first 20lb salmon in Alaska it's just not the same catching a little rainbow trout. I loved it so much and now I make it a tradition to go each year to stock up on salmon. In 2017, I went back to school for additional acupuncture education at Bastyr University in Seattle, WA. I would fly out one weekend per month for classes. Last year as a requirement for school we studied acupuncture in HangZhou, China. It was a life changing experience from the plane rides to the food, culture, history and of course learning more about acupuncture. In October, I traveled to Bali, Indonesia on a women’s empowerment retreat. It was absolutely incredible. I am in love with elephants! I collect them and have them all over my house and treatment room. I love them so much my business logo is an elephant. Guess what I did in Bali? Yup! Dream come true! I gave baby elephants a bath, fed them and rode on the momma elephant. It was extraordinary! I finished the year by receiving my Doctorate in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. 

Amazing year right? Like I said before, I want to share more of me! Connection to our fellow humans is so valuable. Surrounding ourselves with people that encourage us to be better and work harder. My goal is to continue to share more with you each month! I plan to choose further topics more health and acupuncture related. Please feel comfortable to ask me any questions. I am happy to answer and share.