Acupuncture Trick or Treatments

Howdy Friends!

I hope you’re amazing! In this months blog post I am talking about all the conditions acupuncture can help with. We had a glimpse last blog on how acupuncture works and how it can treat the body as a whole system. Let’s go more in detail with what it treats and how.

As we discussed on the last blog Chinese Medicine views the body’s ailments as stagnation of blood and energy. Therefore the goal of acupuncture is to move the blood and energy. I will give a generalization of conditions and how acupuncture can help to treat those conditions.

Sleeping Issues our goal is to increase blood flow to the brain to calm the mind helping to fall asleep and stay asleep. 

Emotional conditions may include grief, depression, worry, over-thinking, stress, anger, irritability, fear and insecurity. The goal is the same with sleeping to increase blood flow to the brain to calm the mind. 

Pain may include arthritis, neuropathy, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, etc. The goal will be to move blood and decrease inflammation. Acupuncture is great for moving out inflammation and improve the healing processes of the body.

Neck pain 3.jpg

Digestive disorders include constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal distention, pain, loose stools, diarrhea, heart burn, acid reflux, and decreased/increased appetite. Many times we have an increased amount of heat or cold in our body that is creating digestive issues. Our goal will be to strengthen the stomach’s function and increase nourishment. I like give patients diet recommendations for clearing heat or cold in the stomach. 

Common cold may include cough, sore throat, sneezing, etc. Acupuncture can help support the healing process and speed up recovery time from sickness. 

Female issues may include menstrual cramping, PMS, irregular blood flow, hot flashes, night sweats, and low libido. Many times female issues can stem from a blood or energy stagnation or deficiency in blood or energy production. The goal would be to clear the stagnation and/or support blood production in the body. 

Headaches & Migraines this may include chronic or acute issues with headaches. Pain as we discussed before can be addressed with moving out the stagnation or increase blood production. 

Weight loss/gain this can include eating disorders, uncontrollable cravings and obesity. The goal with acupuncture will be to strengthen your digestive function and any other misalignment that may be hindering the bodies proper function. The patients homework will be to monitor diet and home exercise routine. 

Other conditions we can help with would include diabetes, high blood pressure. bi-polar, PTSD, addiction,  asthma, seasonal allergies, and so much more.