Did you know ….. you can help reduce your stress by what you eat?

Written by Chelsey

Last week we talked about stress. We all feel it, we broke down the basic mechanisms of the nervous system in relation to stress and we talked about a couple lifestyle choices to help combat it! Today, let’s explore some ways to eat to beat stress.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids also known as DHA and EPA

Stress can increase inflammation in the body (remember the sympathetic nervous system and the hormone cortisol - stress triggers the release of cortisol and keeps the body in hyper alert mode). Omega 3s reduce cortisol levels which curbs inflammation and improves our health. Find it in: anchovies, sardines, herring, salmon and trout. If fish isn’t your thing - try a supplement or a plant based option!

B Vitamins especially B12

Diets that lack these nutrients are connected to stress and anxiety. When the body is stressed, it consumes more of these must have nutrients for the nervous system. Do you have irritability? Depression? Fatigue? Increasing your B vitamin in take could help.  Find it in: animal products including fish, meat, eggs and milk products. If you have a plant based diet, B12 isn’t present in plant based foods so you have to find it in fortified foods and supplements. 

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Like B vitamins, stress depletes magnesium levels. Did you know that magnesium is responsible for over 300 cellular functions in the body? Between the body’s high need for this and a magnesium deficient diets, this is something to pay attention to! Find it in: leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes and whole grains. Supplements are another way to get the daily dose but be cautious, high doses often result in diarrhea that can accompanied by nausea and abdominal cramping.

Healthy Carbs

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for happiness and wellbeing. Carbohydrates can boost serotonin in the brain. Complex carbs like whole grains and vegetables (I’m sorry simple carbs like sugar and syrups don’t make the cut!) boost levels of serotonin by making the amino acid tryptophan more available in the brain. Find it in: brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, potatoes. 

Fermented Foods

Did you know that the gut bacteria produce about 95% of the body’s serotonin supply? So if the gut is healthy, the brain is happy! To keep the guy healthy, probiotics are a friendly bacteria that help reduce stress and cortisol levels. Fermented foods such as yogurt (look for low sugar options, yogurt hides high sugar content!), kombucha, kefir, miso, pickles, tempeh and sauerkraut contain probiotics. 

Lastly, monitor your caffeine consumption. Caffeine has a big impact on the nervous system and can elevate cortisol levels, exacerbating the effects of stress on the body. Pay attention to how your body responds to caffeine and experiment with the amount you consume. 

Next time we will share some recipes that include these nutrients to beat stress. Eat your way to calm and be well!

Hey friends! Dr. Lorena here 🙋🏽‍♀️ I wanted to link the multivitamins I take that include Omega 3s, B12 and so much more. They are affordable and convenient: https://share.ritual.com/x/4CwmaZ Try them out!